Poster Workshop

The Poster Workshop

Poster Workshop




Poster Workshop



Poster Workshop




Poster Workshop




Poster Workshop


Harry had been in the Merchant Navy for 7 years, and left after a long and acrimonious strike.

When the Poster Workshop opened in Camden Road, he was working in a dry cleaners directly opposite. He watched, intrigued by all the comings and goings of people, posters and banners, finally coming over to ask what it was all about.

He joined in immediately. Unlike many others, Harry did not want to design any posters, but enjoyed helping with the printing, and his time in the Merchant Navy had turned him into a cleaning dynamo. It gave him great satisfaction ‘cleaning the deck’, as he put it, and trying to keep the workshop shipshape.


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Poster Workshop




Poster Workshop




The Poster Workshop




The Poster Workshop


Poster Workshop